Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Retro Romance

While thrifting yesterday, I stumbled upon a beautiful pair of Pour La Victoire navy and white peep-toe booties and a darling structured vintage handbag. I knew I wanted to build a ladylike retro-inspired outfit around these items. This ruffly pink silk wrap blouse is perhaps the girliest item in my closet, so it was a great starting point. I layered it over a breezy strapless sundress and added a couple of simple accessories. After work, for a cooler, more casual look, I lost the shirt but kept its belt (worn backwards to show the cool details). I love how new accessories can give life to old clothes.
Blouse: Rebecca Taylor, Arizona Trading Company, $22 // Dress: Gap, $10 // Handbag: Vintage, thrifted, $2.50 // Flower headband: DIY // Shoes: Pour La Victoire, thrifted, $6


myedit said...

Both looks are great... v. clever. The shoes... good find, high five to you!

Kyla said...

These may be 2 of my favorites looks of yours so far. So. Beautiful. Pictures are great, too!

INES said...

you look lovely in this outfit
i love the scarf as a belt

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes, I was wondering what the best vintage shops around Kansas City are. I just moved here not long ago.

Danielle said...

what great finds!! love both looks!

Lexie said...

i LOVE those shoes with that dress. i worked at GAP when that dress was in stores and always thought about getting it but decided not to .. now i'm regretting my decision!

Kansas Couture said...

Thanks, everyone!

fashionablymeg -

I actually don't know the Kansas City vintage scene very well. I've been to both the Reruns warehouse and boutique. The warehouse is very affordable! I definitely recommend it. In Lawrence, I like Wildman Vintage (on Mass.) and the Social Service League. I occasionally have good luck at Goodwill (that's where I got both the items featured in this post).

Lexie -

Aw, that's too bad. I actually bought this dress once on sale for something like $30, and my friend told me it looked like a shower curtain (friend, if you're reading, you know who you are). I returned it only to find it on sale for $10 later that month! I guess it was meant to be.

Jess said...

you're style is very cute!

Linda said...

I don't know how you people keep finding such great vintage stuff. Every time I walk into one of those stores, all they have are shoes from 1995 with the square clunky heels and smelly shirts with holes in them and embroidered birds. Guess it helps to be small.

Looking good though

Kansas Couture said...

Linda -

I know what you mean. Until I started thrifting on a very regular basis (at least once a week, usually more), I never found anything. It's very hit and miss. Good luck in the future!

Laura Gerencser said...

Those booties are adorable!!! I love them!!! Love your blog too!!:)

piglet said...

I already commented on Weardrobe, but I love this look so much I have to comment again!
Love love love!

gabriela kane said...

The outfit is really good but I just don't like the bag. That accessory belongs with something a little more dark.

Anonymous said...

awesome!! love this look :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these looks (especially the top one!)

Angie said...

great blog...I am a happy to see such a stylish young woman in the midwest....I am from LA and now a KC resident. Are there more of you gals who love fashion in the area? I accidentally found you, but now will be a daily reader.