Shirt: Old Navy, $8 // Pants: Old Navy, $9 // Blazer: Lux, $16 // Necklace: Vintage, birthday gift // Shoes: F21, birthday gift
Obviously, I'm not a suit person. I don't have to wear one for work, and a jacket and pants in the same color? Boring! Despite my lack of enthusiasm for standard business garb, I adore the laid-back suit look for spring. You know I'm a strict devotee to high-waist trousers, but I found myself magnetically drawn to this low-rise pair. In combination with a ruffly button-up, fitted blazer and simple accessories, they feel so effortlessly pulled together. Both the button-up and the trousers were found during a recent perusal of the Old Navy sale rack. It's terrible, every time I do my recycling, it turns into an impromptu shopping trip because our recycling center is next to all the big box stores. It seems kind of counter-productive considering the whole point is to reduce consumption. Ah well, I promise to get lots of use out of the items I picked up and continue to thrift as much as possible. In addition to my "recycling loot," I'm also sporting a couple of birthday gifts: a pretty silver heart necklace and a pair of nude pumps I requested. I don't know how this staple was missing from my closet, but I think they've already revolutionized my wardrobe.