Coat: Old Navy, $50 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Boots: Forever 21, $30 // Headband: Forever 21, $3 // Sweater and cardigan: GAP, purchased with gift card courtesy of Lucky Magazine // Blouse: Target, $28
Sorry for the lull in outfit posts! In addition to Christmas craziness, yesterday was my fella's birthday. It's been the best kind of busy -- days filled with preparation, anticipation and celebration.
These shots were taken yesterday during a day of Kansas City fun. We played hooky and enjoyed good food, drinks, ice skating and a movie (Black Swan -- see it if you haven't already!). This was after the movie, hence the disheveled, bunchy sweater.
The winner of the Le Mode Accessories giveaway is Jess. Email me to claim your prize!