Sweater: Thrifted, $3 // Skirt: Lucca Couture, courtesy of Lucky
Magazine // Tights: HUE via TJMaxx, $5 // Shoes: Forever 21, $26 //
Scarf: On loan from New Flight
To highlight this pretty cotton jersey scarf, handmade and
embroidered by LOLA artist New Flight, I added another pop of purple
with the tights. A slightly metallic grey skirt and rugged sweater
complete the look. It's interesting how my new hair color is affecting my style choices. While I typically gravitate toward warm, earthy tones, I've found myself much more apt to wear both cool, icy shades like silver and lavender as well as bold, primary colors like bright red. Also, my eye make-up has gone from brown to black. I'm reveling in the fun little changes.