I can't believe February is almost over! Before the month comes to a close, I'd like to share a few of my favorite items from my sponsor Nosilla V. They have some darling spring items right now, as well as plenty of covetable winter staples for those still stuck in the cold. I'm looking forward to high-waisted shorts and floral prints for the upcoming season!
Friday, February 25, 2011
It's Friday, I'm in Love
Sweater: Thrifted, $3 // Skirt: Forever 21, $$20 // Boots: Forever 21, $30 // Belt: Old Navy, $8 // Necklace: Forever 21, $6
Forgive me for stating the obvious, but I love Fridays! Especially this week for some reason. Anyway, this is actually Thursday's outfit. I've had this skirt for a long time but hardly ever wear it, which is strange considering I wear the hell out of my other striped items. This look is just a slight variation on others I've worn recently, but it worked for me. Happy Weekend, everyone!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Funny Face
Dress: Urban Outfitters, $15 // Shirt: Thrifted, $3 // Tights: Target, $5 // Boots: Target, gift // Belt: Thrifted, 50 cents
I felt a bit clownish in this layered look from Tuesday. Such is the inevitable result of trying lots of new combinations. This week I've been focusing on maintaining an upbeat attitude regarding the 30 for 30. I'm nearing the homestretch and intend to coast right through. The fact that I broke the no shopping rule to get some steals during the ModCloth sale yesterday may have put a little pep in my step (and a little guilt on my conscience).
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Down to Earth
Top: Target, $28 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Cardi: GAP, purchased with a gift card courtesy of GAP and Lucky Magazine // Boots: Seychelles via Gilt, $30 after credit
Realizing I had yet to wear my green lace-up boots during the 30 for 30, I chose them as a starting point for yesterday's outfit. In keeping with the earthy moss tone, I kept the look warm and neutral with my leopard blouse and cream cardigan. A pair of specs completes the casual look. All in all, it wasn't showy but still felt chic.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dress: Repeating Dream Dress, Courtesy of ModCloth // Shoes: Madden Girl, thrifted, $1.50 // Turban: Dollar General, $1.50
Ugh, during my morning commute I had an "Oh my god, it's only Tuesday" moment. To take a little escape from the work week, let's glimpse back at this past weekend. I took an evening off from the 30 for 30 to get snazzed up for the Kansas City ADDY Awards. Can you believe I got this turban at the dollar store? Neither can I!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Double Feature
Sweater: Banana Republic via Plato's Closet, $4 // Skirt: Urban Outfitters, $10 // Shoes: Forever 21, $30 // Scarf: TJMaxx, $12 // Belt: Thrifted, $1
Since I'm lagging behind a bit, I thought I'd post two outfits today. The first is from yesterday when we were graced with another day of beautiful warmth. While I took advantage of the opportunity to skip tights once again, the scarf, boots and muted color palette made it feel seasonally appropriate. The second outfit is just a casual look from last Friday. Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Blues Are Still Blue
Sweater: Thrifted, $3 // Dress: Britches, $30 // Shoes: Madden Girl, thrifted, $1.50 // Sash: Came with a blouse courtesy of Spotted Moth
After having some technical difficulties, I'm finally back in business, so I'll spend the next couple of days catching up! This outfit is from last Thursday when it was in the seventies. There was no way to be in a bad mood that day. After a long, cold winter, that first feeling of spring warmth is just heavenly. I went all out for the occasion and sported some bare legs!
That brings me to my outfit and an unfortunate confession of another switcheroo. This is my first 30 for 30, so it has definitely been a learning experience. To me, this challenge is about getting creative with your clothes and getting better at using what you already have, so I'm not going to be too hard on myself for bending the rules a bit.
Sadly, I carelessly ruined my lace birthday dress. I'm notorious for playing Russian Roulette with my laundry because I hate doing dry cleaning. It's expensive, it's inconvenient, and the chemicals are nasty. I can almost always get away with hand washing or doing a delicate machine wash, but every once in awhile I regret my lazy laundry ways! Anyway, the dress is still sort of wearable as a tunic, but I knew it wouldn't be an ideal candidate for remixing, so I switched it out for this accordion-pleated dress.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cheer Up, Sleepy Jean
Sweater: Banana Republic via Plato's Closet, $4 // Skirt: Forever 21, thrifted, $5 // Tights: HUE via TJMaxx, $5 // Boots: Forever 21, $30 // Necklace: Courtesy of Accessorize
While pondering what to talk about today, all that came to mind is how incredibly tired I am. I think I've come down with some kind of bug. It'll have to be short and sweet tonight, so I can finish my evening tasks and go to bed extra early. It's supposed to be an unfathomable 70 degrees tomorrow, and I certainly want to have the energy to enjoy it!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Bored to Death
Shirt: TJMaxx, $6 // Jeans: Urban Outfitters, $10 // Shoes: Madden Girl, $1.50 // Necklace: Kohl's, $15 // Bracelet: Forever 21, $8
In the beginning, I wasn't sure how much of a challenge the 30 for 30 would be for me. Now I'm finding myself growing weary just shy of the halfway point. It's not so much a lack of ideas. I have a long list of combinations I have yet to try, but I just don't want to wear any of them! In retrospect, I definitely could have picked my pieces more carefully (and excluded this super easily wrinkled top!). Tonight I'm going to do some laundry and organize my items. Then, I'll just have to muster my creativity and power through!
Le Mode Accessories
I'd like to highlight a few of my favorite items from each of this month's sponsors. First up, the affordably fabulous
Le Mode Accessories! Spring fever has definitely set in, and that means I'm on the hunt for vibrant, carefree jewelry. Because clothing becomes more minimal as temperatures warm, I pay a lot more attention to the little accents that take an outfit to the next level. Here are some sweet, springy earrings that caught my eye:
Le Mode Accessories! Spring fever has definitely set in, and that means I'm on the hunt for vibrant, carefree jewelry. Because clothing becomes more minimal as temperatures warm, I pay a lot more attention to the little accents that take an outfit to the next level. Here are some sweet, springy earrings that caught my eye:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Be Mine, Valentine
Dress: Plato's Closet, $10 // Socks: Forever 21, $4 // Shoes: Payless, gift // Necklace: Forever 21, $6
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're spending it with someone sweet, whether it's your closest friend, your kitty cat or your crush.

For the record, this is not what I'm actually wearing today. This outfit is from Saturday night. My schedule doesn't allow for real-time blogging, and I wanted to post something Valentine-y this morning. I figured the red socks and heart necklace would suffice. Lots of love to you, readers! Have a day filled with candy and kisses!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A Walk in the Park
Shirt: Thrifted, $3 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Trench: Old Navy, $20 // Flats: Payless, gift // Scarf: TJMaxx, $15
Because we have been graced with gorgeous, unseasonably warm weather this week, I have made the executive decision to switch out my winter boots for a pair of leopard flats. That's not to say another snowstorm before the end of the 30 for 30 is not a distinct possibility, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
This outfit is a good example of something I would typically wear on the weekend and not photograph. Just basic, easy and comfortable. Not much to see here. Oh, except an adorable dog.
Igby was also excited about the upswing in temperatures, so we spent our Sunday afternoon soaking up the sun.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Reaching My Quota of Tears for the Year
Shirt: Beside Yourself Top, courtesy of ModCloth // Jeans: Urban Outfitters, $30 // Shoes: Madden Girl, thrifted, $1.50 // Belt: Thrifted, 50 cents //
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Survival Mode
Shirt: Thrifted, $3 // Sweater: Forever 21, $18 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Boots: Target, gift // Necklace: Gift
I was so cold when I woke up yesterday that my only goal while getting dressed was to change that as quickly as possible. It wasn't till after I had piled on a bunch of layers (including tights under my jeans) that I bothered to look in a mirror. While aesthetics were definitely an afterthought, I felt reasonably presentable to the outside world and stayed nice and toasty all day.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Lucky Number
Sweater: Banana via Plato's Closet, $4 // Shirt: Urban, $15 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Boots: Forever 21, $30 // Headband: Urban, $5
This sweet embellished top is a piece I fell in love with right away but didn't anticipate wearing all that often. While I have worn it several times for going out, this is its first appearance on the blog. I included it in my 30 items with dressier ensembles in mind but later thought, why not put a casual spin on it? That's just what I did yesterday by layering it over a sweater for work. That's one of the great things about the 30 for 30. It really encourages to use your clothes in new and interesting ways that might not have otherwise occurred to you.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Knit Picky
Sweater: Thrifted, $3 // Skirt: Forever 21, thrifted, $5 // Shoes: Madden Girl, thrifted, $1.50
This winter I'm loving chunky sweaters paired with pretty skirts. Yesterday I balanced out a little mini with a slouchy cream top. The socks keep it warm and cozy, which is a must right now. While there are things I love about each season, this bitter cold is getting old! Luckily, I have two escapes to warmer climes planned in March. Another bright spot in my Monday was a fabulous lunch date with Jessie of Concrete Catwalk. We had a ball chatting over sushi, a shared love of ours as we found out.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Watch Out, the World's Behind You
Shirt: Old Navy, $8 // Jeans: Urban Outfitters, $30 // Belt: Thrifted, $1 // Boots: Forever 21, $30
My weekend style doesn't get much love on the blog. While I tend to put thought into nighttime looks, they don't get documented, and my daytime garb is all about lazy comfort. Now that I'm featuring as many outfits as possible during the 30 for 30, I'm putting forth a bit more effort. Sunday's look is simple and casual, but I felt pulled together nonetheless thanks to the sleek black jeans and bold turquoise belt.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Weekend Warrior
Shirt: Courtesy of ModCloth // Pants: Thrifted, $5 // Shoes: Thrifted, $2.50 // Necklace: Gift // Tote: Gift // Hat: Target, $15
Decked out in my army green pants and lace-up boots, I felt ready to conquer my Saturday. The lovely neck bow, compass necklace and pug tote kept it sweet.
The necklace and tote are both apt gifts from dear friends. One combines my love of gold jewelry and my bad sense of direction, and the other allows me to proclaim my love of black pugs to the world.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Let There Be Light
Dress: Urban Outfitters, $15 // Cardi: GAP, purchased with gift certificate courtesy of GAP and Lucky Magazine // Shoes: Madden Girl via Salvation Army, $1.50
Success! I managed to achieve both of my goals from yesterday. Namely, a pretty dress and lots of light. I will admit to using the old commuter's trick of switching my shoes upon arrival at the office. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Now that it's been a few days, I feel like I'm getting into the groove of the 30 for 30. While I didn't put much planning into my selection of garments, I brainstormed a big list of outfit ideas. Not all of them will be winners, but I'm looking forward to the journey. Hopefully the habits of remixing and posting more often will stick long after the end of the month.
Oh, and thank you to my co-worker for taking these shots! You're lovely and talented and should take my picture everyday. Hehe.
Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
As Pretty as Possible
Sweater: Banana Republic via Plato's Closet, $4 // Shirt: TJMaxx, $7 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Boots: Forever 21, $30 // Necklace: Forever 21, $9
Some swear by tights during the winter. While doubling up two pairs usually does the trick, I much prefer jeans when it's bitterly cold outside. Despite the casual base, I tried to add frilly little details to make the look a bit more dainty. Alas, the indoor picture was a compromise, too. Here's hoping I can get away with a dress or skirt tomorrow! And a photo with decent light would be great too, but I'll try not to get my hopes up too high.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Return to Civilization
Sweater: Thrifted, $4 // Jeans: Forme, $20 // Boots: Courtesy of Timberland // Scarf: Target, $15 // Glasses: Urban outfitters, $10
After two days at home, I finally ventured out this evening, and this is what I wore. This outfit never would have made it onto the blog if not for the 30 for 30. It may be practical, but it's certainly a step up from sweats. And it's my first official 30 for 30 look, and that has to count for something. Here we go!
30 for 30 Picks
Seen here, here, here and here.
Seen here, here, here, here and here.
Seen here and here.
Seen here, here, here and here.
Seen here and here.
Seen here, here, here, here and here.
Selecting my 30 items was a much more daunting task than I had anticipated! I went from trying to carefully plan to just trusting my gut. I feel like I might have too many bottoms and not enough tops, but only time will tell! I figure creative use of accessories can make up for any shortcomings.
Seen here, here, here, here and here.
Seen here and here.
Seen here, here, here and here.
Seen here and here.
Seen here, here, here, here and here.
Selecting my 30 items was a much more daunting task than I had anticipated! I went from trying to carefully plan to just trusting my gut. I feel like I might have too many bottoms and not enough tops, but only time will tell! I figure creative use of accessories can make up for any shortcomings.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Red as Strawberries in the Summertime
Shirt: Old Navy, $7 // Skirt: Ann Taylor, thrifted, $1.50 // Boots: Vintage, thrifted, $2.50 // Belt: Vintage, thrifted, 50 cents // Necklace: Forever 21, $6
Here's Sunday's outfit featuring a few items from my final shopping trip before the 30 for 30 kick-off. It was a modest but successful jaunt to Salvation Army. I walked away with the red skirt, lace-up boots and brown belt seen here, as well as some t-strap heels, peep-toe flats and another belt... all for $8!
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