Thursday, March 10, 2011


Shirt: Old Navy, $6 // Jacket: Thrifted, $3 // Jeans: Tilt via Plato's Closet, $18 // Boots: Wild Man Vintage, $15 // Hat: H&M, $15 // Back pack: On loan from Le Mode Accessories

Let it be known, I love back packs! It may be because they take me back to my beloved school days. But beyond that, chic knapsacks like this one from Le Mode Accessories, strike the perfect balance of form and function, style and practicality. They make the perfect traveling companion, too, as they comfortably hold all your essentials and keep your hands free. How fitting that this is my last post before jetting off to Austin for the Texas Style Council Conference. I am beyond giddy about meeting all the bloggers and attending the events. Unfortunately, my little back pack friend will not be joining me. He's off on his own trip to visit another blogger. Keep an eye out!

I'm going to try to update while I'm gone over the weekend, but it may not happen. You can follow me on twitter for tidbits. If you're going to the conference, I'll see you soon! If not, I'll tell you all about it on Monday.


Fashily said...

so cute! Love the hat and the backpack is really great!

out of order said...

hope you have fun this weekend! the pack is super cute

Christine said...

I'm in love with your boots. We might run away together! :)

Daer0n said...

Super cute look! I love this outfit and your boots!

i'm B. said...

i love those boots. so much. they are perfect.

amberly said...

the hat is an amazing touch and what a find that thrifted sweater is!!!

have fun this weekend! :) can't wait to hear all about it!

Lindsey A. Turner said...

adorable! I saved some of my backpacks from when they were popular in the 90's and I was thinking about sporting them again sometime soon. After seeing you look so cute with yours I just might have to! Have fun!

Lindsey Turner

Steffane said...

Very adorable outfit. :)Was wondering if you had heard of this KC event?

It's going to be amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful outfit. I like the hat and the backpack is really great. I think it will give a different look to the one's personality. I also wanted same outfit for me.
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GFS said...

After leaving Texas, you kinda hate Kansas weather now don't you? You can admit it:)

I adore you the MOST! THE MOST!

Emma at Daily Clothes Fix said...

Love your jacket and the backpack is great.

Marie said...

Enjoyed hearing you speak this weekend! Love this outfit's colors and travelin' style.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

Learning said...

That jacket is such a great piece in this ensemble. The beret really takes it over the top too ;).

Marie said...

nice :) the background with your hat and ensemble is great, I like. (oh and thanks for more smiles ;)

Jilliebeanie said...

I looooooove this look! Backpack fans of the fashion world UNITE.

Anonymous said...

Really beautiful attire. I am in love with hat and backpack. It gives a very unique look.

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Mutiara said...

like this so much...

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