Thursday, June 30, 2011

Double Duty

Top: Urban Outfitters, $10 // Jeans: Urban Outfitters, $28 // Shoes: Goodwill, $4 // Belt: Came with a dress // Ring: JCPenney, $10

Feeling sartorially lazy on Monday, I repeated an outfit I had worn to go out over the weekend. If this get-up reads a little more night at the bar than morning at the office, that's why! I enjoyed wearing it on both occasions.


out of order said...

sooo darling and sexy! Those shoes are an amazing find :)

Anonymous said...

I really love the bubble gum pink shoes!

Unknown said...

You look incredible. Those jeans fit you perfectly. Man I wish I looked that good in highwaist denim!

Juls said...

that is a great outfit and i'm loving the color of your shoes!

Nicole St. Germain said...

Those shoes are incredible! I was bummed they were from Goodwill because that means I can't get a pair, but ecstatic for you because you got such an amazing pair of shoes for only $4!!!

Post Something Creative

Mila said...

That top is gorgeous! I love the pop of color with your makeup and shoes. You always look so put together...perfect.


Molly said...

I love the pop of the yellow belt paired with the bubble gum pink heels. Well played!

Samantha said...

Love, love those pink heels! They really could go with everything.

Mus(eum)ings: Musings from a Museum Intern

Anonymous said...

Regardless what time of day it was intended to be worn, I absolutely love this outfit. Especially the pops of color in the shoes and belt with the graphic black and white.

XO- Corrie @ <a href="http//></a>

Whitney 'Nic' James said...

love the outfit. the pop of colors is great! love the shoes :-)


mommy Orkid Belle said...

I love those shoes!

Linh + Tina said...

You are always so cute, love the pink and yellow on this graphic look. ~LT

Learning said...

I love that look! The yellow and pink are fun pops of color.

April said...

those shoes are fantastic! can't believe you thrifted them.

Helen said...

By far the cutest color combination. I might have to borrow this one:)

Anonymous said...

I like those outfits. Pinks shoes are just amazing. I wish I would have such pairs. Really great outfits.

payment protection insurance

Kat Lacoste said...

so cute! are those jeans still at UO? I want :).

Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen said...

Ooh I really dig every part of this outfit!

Kansas Couture said...

Kat - I think they are! They are the BDG High Rise Cigarette Jean in black.

Sara said...

Oooohhhh I love this :) You've got such a cute little body to pull it off too. Props girl.

Closet Full of Happiness said...

wow, i love this outfit! i just got a yellow belt and love how it adds just that pop of color! rock on!!