Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Sips and Sounds, Volume 13

The Sip: Smoky Dog
The Sound: Moondog, Moondog

I'll be honest - I barely paid attention to this record! It was a busy evening, and I have a hard time with solely instrumental music. But the story of Moondog is a fascinating one, and the presence of his music on the Big Lebowski soundtrack makes me approve it automatically. For the drink, I decided to do a variation on a Salty Dog. It ended up not being a Salty Dog at all because I used tequila, but it turned out really yummy!

Rim your glass with a combination of sugar, salt and cayenne. Rinse the glass with liquid smoke (swish it around and then dump it out). Add 1.5 oz tequila, 2 oz fresh grapefruit juice (about half a grapefruit), .5 oz simple syrup, and the juice of half a lime. Add ice, stir and enjoy!

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